Recursion review

I will say, the beginning of this book didn't impress me, but once the time stuff really got going I was hooked. It starts out with a cop who has lunch with his ex-wife and then gets called to a woman's suicide attempt. Not really my style. Even the introduction of False Memory Syndrome (FMS) didn't really get me, it's only when time and reality start getting messed with for Barry do I begin to get interested.

A Letter to the Luminous Deep release!

A beautiful discovery outside the window of her underwater home prompts the reclusive E. to begin a correspondence with renowned scholar Henerey Clel. The letters they share are filled with passion, at first for their mutual interests, and then, inevitably, for each other. Together, they uncover a mystery from the unknown depths, destined to transform … Continue reading A Letter to the Luminous Deep release!

Calypso review

This was....interesting, to say the least. I will start by saying this is almost a novel in verse. I don't quite know if I would call it "in verse," but before going into it readers should be aware that the author experiments with the text structure and layout as an aspect of the story. It's definitely interesting, but I hadn't been expecting it and so it threw me off.